Hey gang. I have been busy at work but I have a BUNCH of new EVP's to share. I also added a Paranormal Investigation Store near the bottom. I picked each item myself. This is the "Good Stuff". See ya soon... EVP Researcher

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Hey there, ive been reading and watching through all your videos, and i thought that you might be just the person i need help with. For the past few weeks ive been making recordings with my laptop, in alll show results of multiple voices, in most, my name and questions are repeated all throughout, also, a what seems to sound like, a demonic voice in some of these audio recordings, in one, right at the start it sounds like he says, "Callas...i evade you." -Callas- the name does not exist in family or anywhere for my knowledge. I know why of the demonic presence but it is too....odd for anyone to hear, for i am not normal. Please either reply back to this or to my email at xthedarkmuzikraverx @ hot mail . com
(not spaces)
Take your time and enjoy your days :)